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Help with procmail

1996-08-15 14:32:15
I cannot get procmail to run here.  I would like to set up autoreply.
I will paste in my .forward, my .procmailrc, and the "from" log file 
which registers procmails actions.  

The recipes sending things to /dev/null work fine, but when 
formail/sendmail is invoked, it never works.  Is it the LASTFOLDER 
setting?  Any help will be appreciated.

I am trying to use a simple script to sendmail straight back to a known 
address (rmcphers(_at_)mamba(_dot_)bio(_dot_)uci(_dot_)edu) which is my 
alternate account.
Procmail will never run sendmail.  I can run sendmail from the command 
prompt and it works fine.

rjmcpher(_at_)uci(_dot_)edu      R. McPherson,   Psychobiology Dept, UC Irvine
(see files below)


MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail     #you'd better make sure it exists
LOGFILE=$HOME/from   #recommended
          :0 h
          * ^FROM:(_dot_)*(_at_)mamba*
          * !^X-Loop: rjmcpher(_at_)uci(_dot_)edu
          | (formail -r -A"Precedence: junk" \
             -A "X-Loop: rjmcpher(_at_)uci(_dot_)edu" ; \
             echo "Got it") | sendmail  

        * ^Subject:.*Victim*

from file:
procmail: [18987] Thu Aug 15 14:18:35 1996
procmail: Assigning "SENDMAIL=/usr/lib/sendmail"
procmail: No match on "(^(((Resent-)?(From|Sender)|X-Envelope-From):|>?From 
procmail: Match on "^FROM:(_dot_)*(_at_)mamba*"
procmail: Match on ! "^X-Loop: rjmcpher(_at_)uci(_dot_)edu"
procmail: Executing " echo "Got it" | sendmail 
procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER= echo "Got it" | sendmail 
From rmcphers(_at_)mamba(_dot_)bio(_dot_)uci(_dot_)edu  Thu Aug 15 14:18:35 
 Subject: arf arf
  Folder:  echo "Got it" | sendmail -q3s 
rmcphers(_at_)mamba(_dot_)bio(_dot_)uci(_dot_)edu -X      1000
procmail: Notified comsat: "rjmcpher@: echo "Got it" | sendmail 

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