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Re: why dead.letter?

1996-08-16 08:51:03

First of all, an apology to everyone who tried to help me and
got blasted as a result, particularly Stephen.  There were a
number of things that I didn't say in my email so of course
you all assumed that I wasn't actually trying what you
suggested.  The suggestion was to use

  WHOSENT=`formail -rtzxTo:`

to generate a return address.  I insisted that it didn't work
because I had in fact tried it without success.

The reason it didn't work had nothing to do with the command.
The above command
works perfectly.  I didn't realize that the options would
be executed one after the other, so that it extracts the "To"
from the correctly generated return address.  OK.

So why didn't it work?  I was testing it by sending mail from
another email account of mine - an account that also uses
procmail to forward some mail back to kevink(_at_)concorde(_dot_)com(_dot_)
I hadn't bothered using the X-Loop headers to keep it from 
looping, so guess what?  It looped.

When I saw sendmail complaining about "too many hops" I assumed
that the return address had been generated incorrectly.

So, now that I'm using the solution offered, have inserted
the X-Loop controls, there is no more dead.letter file created.

Incidentally, I found a good way to test what formail does -
certainly obvious, but one that didn't occur to me to use to
test your suggestion.  If you save an email to a file, you can
pipe it to formail and see what it does:

  cat testmail | formail -rtzxTo:

and see what pops out.

Again, I'm sorry that lost my temper with those of you who
tried to help me.  Next time I have a question I'll try to 
give all the relevant details.

Kevin Kelleher <kevink(_at_)concorde(_dot_)com>

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