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Re: error #1?

1997-03-27 09:16:29
Roy Rapoport <rsr(_at_)aonix(_dot_)com> writes:
On March 26, 1997, Philip Guenther <guenther(_at_)gac(_dot_)edu> said:
Are you *100%* sure that your mail is only ever delivered on the
machine which has /usr/procmail/bin/procmail?  Could there be another
machine on which your mail may be delivered which shares your account
(and your .forward file), but which doesn't have

Yup, I'm sure.  I'd stake my job on it, and I do -- I maintain
these machines, I set up sendmail and DNS, and I know where mail is

what would happen if I changed my .forward from:

"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/procmail/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #rsr"

To simply
"|/usr/procmail/bin/procmail -f- # rsr"

If you're using sendmail version 8, then the above is safe.  In fact,
you can reduce it to:

        "|/usr/procmail/bin/procmail -f-"

Actually, if you're using sendmail version 8 then I'd suggest making
procmail the local mailer and then removing your .forward file.

If you're not using sendmail version 8.8.5, then you have known security

Philip Guenther

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