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Return addresses

1997-06-24 07:38:00
I'm trying to gather return addresses of people I regularly receive mail 
from prior to setting up any autoresponse system.  I would like to 
capture these addresses into a file to check against in the future.
I currently have:

* ! ? echo $FROM | $GREP -v -F -i $PMDIR/friendlygather
* ^TO_bts8\>
| echo $FROM >> $PMDIR/friendlygather

What I expected was that this recipe should make sure incoming mail is 
not from a daemon, that the address is not currently in the 
friendlygather file, and finally, that this piece of mail is 
specifically addressed to me (to avoid bcc spams).  Unfortunately, this 
recipe doesn't add any new addresses to the friendlygather file.  The 
friendlygather file currently has only one line in it which is "test" (no 
quotes).  Any ideas are greatly appreciated!  Thanks!

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