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Re: Procmail difficulty in using "raw" mode

1997-08-07 15:10:00
Michael Stone <mstone(_at_)itri(_dot_)loyola(_dot_)edu> writes:
Quoting Philip Guenther (guenther(_at_)gac(_dot_)edu):
how are you trying to do it, and how is it not working?  If the
undescribed mangling ("this way" requires a referent) that your mail is
suffering is the transformation of lines that begin with "From " into
">From ", then you should remove the -Y flag from the procmail command

I didn't get what the original post was asking either, but the above
is not quite correct. According to the man page, procmail will put a
'>' in from of "\nFrom " if -Y is specified _or_ if there is no 
content-length header. Oddly enough, it doesn't seem to work that
way. My procmail is prepending '>'s and there isn't a -Y on the
command line. (Yes, I tried with a mail that included a content-length)
Am I missing something here?

To quote the procmail(1) manpage:

     If there is an existing Content-Length: field in the  header
     of  the  mail  and  the -Y option is not specified, procmail
     will trim the field to report the  correct  size.   Procmail
     does not change the fieldwidth.

Note that last sentence.  If you just put

        Content-Length: 0

in the incoming message, then the largest value procmail can fit in the
field is 99, overwriting the space and the 0.  After that many bytes of
the message procmail has to go back to scanning for "From ".  Try

        Content-Length:       0

in the incoming message, or if you're doing this from a,

        Content-Length: 0000000

Philip Guenther