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Re: Removal_Request

1997-08-07 16:28:00

We have received your request to be removed from all
of our mailing lists.

To complete the process, please write down the following token:


Return to our website at
and input your token and your E-mail address as entered
previously.  You will then receive an E-mail confirmation
of your removal.

Thank you for your time,
IEMMC Webmaster


Your unmitigated gall never ceases to amaze me.

"We sent you unsolicited email.  You asked to be removed.  We sent you more  
email asking you to take another step in the process."


We refuse to put up with this crap from you!  You invade our privacy, you  
refuse to remove our names (don't even try and lie about it, we know what you  
do), and you make us jump through hoop after hoop.  This isn't even an  
'opt-out' list, this is an 'opt-out-opt-out' list.  Why should we have to ask  
TWICE to be stop receiving crap we never asked for in the first place?

NO.  No more.

I have blocked all your damned domains from my machine.  I will try and  
convince as many people as possible to do the same.  I hope that more  
sysadmins will block your entire net-block.

AGIS: After UUNet cleans up their act, you are the last major spam-haven
        around.  How long until your Internet Death Penalty comes down?  Do
        you think the Internet will put up with your giving CyberPromo
        continued access to the rest of the net?  Have you really considered 
        how much crap they are dumping every day?  How much more time and
        energy is wasted.

IEMMC.ORG: You are a joke.  You are pawns who have lied about your remove
        list (people have made accounts and registered them with your remove 
        list and gotten spammed).  Read and see
        how many of the posts relate to how much junk CyberPromo is still
        spewing into the Internet.  The remove list is nothing but a way for 
        spammers to get more email addresses. Please consider adding the Agis and CyberPromo domains to the
        site-wide sendmail-deny list

@HOME: Please keep this email on file.  Further harassment from         
        Agis/CyberPromo will need to be well-documented.


ps -- if you want to contact me, use the address:

        Timothy J Luoma <luomat+spam(_at_)luomat(_dot_)peak(_dot_)org>
        email sent to non-plussed addresses has been too-contaminated with  
SPAM to be useful.

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