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Re: locking the logfile -- how to?

1997-08-22 19:34:07
        Author:         wwgrol(_at_)sparc01(_dot_)fw(_dot_)hac(_dot_)com (W. 
Wesley Groleau x4923)
        Original-Date:  Fri, 22 Aug 1997 20:27:50 -0500
        Message-ID:     <199708230127(_dot_)UAA00325(_at_)sparc02(_dot_)>

I'm sure someone will answer the question directly, but personally, I find
great benefit in having a separate log file per message, because when I
want to see why a message is not handled the way I want, I can easily find
its log entries.  And a side-benefit is that this also solves the
inter-writing problem and helps with the logfile size control problems,
though I wasn't thinking about those when I split the file.

I could do this, but I want to keep the log all in one for a very simple  
reason:  I have an application which pops up whenever something is added to  
the log (ie a new message is filed).  After 30 seconds, it goes away again.

Very handy.

Too handy to lose.