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Re: CR+LF?

1997-08-23 14:19:23
Quoting Timothy J Luoma (luomat+procmail(_at_)luomat(_dot_)peak(_dot_)org):
I think whoever told you that was some sort of DOS-moron who thinks that  
DOS/Windows defines "must be".

Nope. Don't toss insults unless you're right...
Explain why that would be true (lf+cr) since UNIX machines were the only  
ones using internet mail for many many moon.

I can't say _why_ it's true, but you ought to read rfc's 821, 822, and
1521 and see how many CRLF's are scattered about. If I had to wager a
guess, I'd say that CRLF was chosen as the standard becuase most 
text viewers will display it properly (though it may look ugly) whereas
a single CR or a single LF at the end of the line will be unreadable on
many systems.

Mike Stone

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