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Re: Junkfilter (gsutter)

1997-08-26 02:21:04
On Mon, 25 Aug 1997, Jim Hribnak wrote:

I am trying to fix a procmail receipe written by gsutter (you out there)
his webpage is gone and I need to get this filter working better than it
is so I can let our users install it to better filter their email..

Just a quick note, cause it's 5 AM, I just got back in town, and I've
had a really rough week (including my friendly local ISP going out of

My web pages are still present; I'm still alive, albeit barely. is the URL for junkfilter.
Please use the URL!  It's a redirector so will always be

More later or perhaps Wednesday, when I wake up. :) zzzzzzzzzz....

Gregory S. Sutter                       "How do I read this file?"
mailto:gsutter(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com                "You uudecode it."          "I I I decode it?"

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