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Re: Setting permissions for /bin/ksh

1997-08-29 10:47:54
On Fri, 29 Aug 1997 11:32:35 -0400, you wrote:

/bin/ksh *has* to be executable. It is a shell and it needs to executable
for it to be of any use. Security concerns arise depending on *who* runs
it. Here is my ls -l /bin/ksh on Solaris 2.5

-r-xr-xr-x   2 bin      bin        180816 May  2  1996 /bin/ksh

i.e. it has to be 'x' for user/group/world.

You were right--my ksh was not executable for anyone, and was actually a
corrupted file.  Phooey.  At least I feel that I'm making progress, I know what the problem is.

If you see a 's' instead of a 'x' in the above perms, you are in for some
fun, though!

Yikes--I've never seen an 's' in anything.  I know read, write, and
'x'ecute...what's 's'?

All help much appreciated as usual.  I feel like I should make brownies for
this group, or buy you a case of beer...

Sounds good!

If they can figure out a way to send beer over the internet, oh the virtual
parties that could be had...


Dr. Hibbert: You have twenty-four hours to live.
Homer: Twenty-four hours!
Dr. Hibbert: Well, twenty-two.  I'm sorry I kept you waiting so long.

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