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RE: Books on the subject

1997-09-09 19:08:24
On Fri, 5 Sep 1997 Simeon(_dot_)Nevel(_at_)Schwab(_dot_)COM wrote:
From:       Lee Mahan[SMTP:lee(_at_)designwest(_dot_)com]

Can anyone recommen a book that covers procmail?

AFAIK, there isn't one, but wouldn't it be a *great*
subject for an O'Reilly & Associates volume?

I keep thinking about writing a procmail book but given my
progress so far I wonder if it's going to happen.  Maybe we
should make it a group effort...  is anyone interested in
collaborating on a procmail book?  Does anyone know of any
procmail books in the works?


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/Nancy McGough--Infinite Ink/---\---/-\---/---\ 
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