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Re: unsub in footer (was Re: Spambouncer)

1997-10-14 10:19:26
        Author:        Bill Moseley <moseley(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com>
        Original-Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 08:37:29 -0700

Would it be a good idea to have the unsubscribe information placed on the
footer of each message?  (Although it never seems to me to be that hard to
search the web and find the list instructions.)

No, it doesn't work, since folks are too dumb to read it and seem to ignore  
it on other lists I am on.

I am on other lists where there are 25 line .sigs with sub/unsub messages,  
and the admin is still inundated.

It is a waste of diskspace and/or sed processes to get rid of them for those  
of us who don't want them.

'man procmail' or 'procmail -v' is all they need, but they won't do that  
either, because it is easier just to fire off an email saying ``unsubscribe''


ps -- does anyone have a good recipe for catching these things?

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