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Re: Read! FREE PORN NOW!!!

1998-02-08 22:14:47
On Sun, 8 Feb 1998, Timothy J Luoma wrote:

|1) it is unnecessary to quote back a post which went to the entire list,  
|since we are all on the same list, we have all already seen it

My apologies. Since I had received several of these and not seen others
mention such email(s), I thought it possible that most of you have had a
sucussful filter and were able to trash this. In which case I wanted to
know the recipe used to do so.

|2) replying to spam to the list is a bad idea, since most of us who don't  
|want to see it have put filters in place and probably didn't see the original  
|spam but will see your followups

This was a mistake, I had not intended to reply to the spam, as it will
usually bring more knocking on your door.

|> The domain is obvious a valid one, but (even though I
|> haven't checked yet) I am assuming that is not valid

|> Or in everyones opinion should procmail be set to make sure the
|> from and reply to match?
|That would be relatively nonsensical, given what the Reply-To is designed to  
|do.... It is perfectly valid to have different Reply-To lines than From  
|lines.... for example, when I send email to this list I set replies to go  
|back to the list because I don't want/need personal copies

That is understood, and I would not want to include any list in that
variable, but would this be wise for typical person to person mail? I
could be wrong on this example also, but excluding list(s), is
there a valid reason for the Reply-To: and From: not to match on person to
person mail?

Again, I apologize, and hope I did not offend or upset anyone with my

        - "Henry Smith, Jr." 

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