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Re: Unidentified subject!

1998-02-10 05:05:10
Tue 98-02-10 Timothy Luoma <luomat(_at_)luomat(_dot_)peak(_dot_)org> 
| I have been trying to piece this together from old emails and it is failing.
| luomat+Lists/procmail(_at_)luomat(_dot_)peak(_dot_)org
| What I would like to do is test for the existence of the directory if there  
| is a "/" present (ie $MAILDIR/Lists or $MAILDIR/Lists/Misc/)
| If the directory is not there, I want to try 'mkdir' and then I want to put  
| the message in whatever mailbox is BLAH, ie:

I updated one of my subroutines to handle plus addressing. Get
newest pm-code.shar and do this. All this is stormed from my mind and
thusly untested, so you may have to fix some details when you actually
install it.

I have also included the short man page of RC_EMAIL to the end,
so that the used variables, like ACCOUNT2 can be better understood.


PMSRC    = where you keep your prcmail rc files
RC_EMAIL = $PMSRC/pm-jaaddr.rc
MY_LOGIN = "(luomat1login|luomat2login)"

*$ ^TO_\/$MY_LOGIN.*

    #   We matched address that is pointing to our account,
    #   explode it.
    INPUT       = $MATCH

    #   ACCOUNT2 contains all after plus sign, the directory
    dir         = $MAILDIR/$ACCOUNT2

    #   Did we have the dir there? ACCOUNT2 is empty if it was simple
    #   foo(_at_)site(_dot_)com(_dot_) If there is no slash, then it was 
    #   We expect:  foo+dir/
    *    ACCOUNT2 ?? [/]
        ok = "yes"

        #   If directory does _not_ exist, try to create one.
        #   If create failed, flag error and change status
        *$ ! ? test -e $dir
        *$ ! ? mkdir $dir
            ok = "couldn't create $dir"

        #   Drop to directory if it existed or was created,
        #   otherwise skips this and goes delivering to DEFAULT
        * ok ?? yes

 Pm-jaaddr.rc -- extract 'foo(_at_)some(_dot_)com' email address from variable 


        This includerc extracts the various components of email address
        from variable INPUT.
        Example input
            "From: foo+procmail(_at_)this(_dot_)site(_dot_)com (Mr. foo)"
        Returned values
            ADDRESS     "foo+procmail(_at_)this(_dot_)site(_dot_)com"
                        containing the email address without <>
            ACCOUNT     "foo+procmail"
                        all characters before @
            ACCOUNT1    "foo"
                        if plus found: account1+account2(_at_)site
            ACCOUNT2    "procmail"
                        if plus found: account1+account2(_at_)site
            SITE        ""
                        all characters after @
            DOMAIN      ""
                        the main domain, preceding words in site are
                        considered subdomain (local) addresses.
            NET         last characters after last period ( net,com,edu ...)
        Variable ERROR is set to "yes" if INPUT wasn't recognized or parsing
        the address failed.
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