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help me obi-wan konbi; your my only hope!

1998-02-24 14:30:19


I went over a file the other day and I had done a few things
that I hadn't before.  Still upon execution NOTHING.  Now, I know what
your saying, Use that MAN Luke! But I have been there and done that and
nothing seems to be doing as it should.  Let me send you EVERYTHING I have
and hope you might be able to provide a solution.

poll proto pop3
        user xxxxxx password xxxxxx
# SO far, it works like a champ!
        mda "/usr/bin/procmail"
#this seems to execute proc on the mail.

"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #dionysus"


* ^From.*newbie

* Cc.*newbie

rc.dionysus (follows same rule as above for testing mail)

This file has EVERYTHING you sent to me VERBATIM!
The only difference is the ORGMAIL destination.

getmail  (my grab mail and toss it file)
fetchmail   (which uses ~/.fetchmailrc)


        Now, I have tried fetchmail (omitting the mda part) using all of
the above and it just HANGS. No drive movement, no filtering.  It is
however in the process of the script "startproc" When I hit <CTRL-C> it
stops the process and asks me if I want to delete one of the lock files
that it makes.  When I run it with mda in the fetchmailrc file (as above)
it gets the mail, then TRIES to filter it out, but it "couldn't chdir to
/home/dionysus/mail" and does this for EACH one of the messages. Of course
when its done, I have nothing to read.  I'm running this whole operation
as my user acct "dionysus" and not under root. Below are file permissions.

~/.forward             -rw-r--r--  dionysus  dionysus
~/.procmailrc          -rw-rw-rw-  dionysus  dionysus
~/.procmail            drw-rw-rw-  dionysus  dionysus
~/.fetchmailrc         -rw-------  dionysus  dionysus
~/Mail                 drw-------  dionysus  dionysus
/usr/bin/fetchmail     -rwxr-xr-x  root      root
/usr/bin/procmail      -rwsr-sr-x  root      mail

        (Try not to laugh to hard here, remember I'm new at this!)

        Now I have played with having root and mail on the ~/mail dir.  I
have asked a few if this could be my problem, but getting help these days
is not an easy task.  Man files NOR webpages have info on the properties
of these files, only their contents. Now, ALL I want to do is get the
mail, and toss it to dirs on my system (I'm the only one using it fer now)
and perhaps in the future (once I get it going) forward some incomming

        I will owe you plenty if you see a problem here.
        Many thanks. 


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