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biff errors after procmail recipe installed

1998-02-28 08:53:13

Hello. I just started using procmail and am running into problems with
biff notifications. The simple filter I am using (as a test) takes mail
sent From my address (to myself or bounced to me) and places it in a
folder of my username. When the new mail arrives, biff informs me of new
mail, but it informs me of some old message (and doesn't necessarily print
the headers, it may print the middle portion of the message).

This is my recipe:

# Please check if all the paths in PATH are reachable, remove the ones that
# are not.

MAILDIR=$HOME/mail      # You'd better make sure it exists

* ^From(_dot_)*dinselj(_at_)sighsy(_dot_)cup(_dot_)edu

As I said, I am new to procmail and am probably making a silly mistake
that any experienced user can instantly detect. In my defense, however, I
did read the examples and other docs with the procmail distribution.

Jeremy Dinsel                      (PGP key: finger 
dinselj(_at_)sighsy(_dot_)cup(_dot_)edu )
                                   (PGP key:
   Cal U Math and Computer         (PGP use preferred)
   Science World Wide Web           
   System Administrator

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