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Re: How can I force Procmail to write an action to the logfile?

1998-12-11 20:35:55
"Markus Wiedemeier" <pingu(_at_)tin(_dot_)it> writes:
:0 c
* ^TOfirstuser(_at_)mydomain(_dot_)com
! my(_dot_)mailbox(_at_)provider(_dot_)it

Sigh, you're doing a virtual domain in procmail.  I'll just note here
that it won't work for some resent messages, Bcc's, and mailing lists
and that to fix it will require going to the MTA level.  But that's
not your question.

Now to the problem I like to solve: 

- Procmail writes for most of the messages a log that looks like this

From myfriend(_at_)hisprovider(_dot_)com  Thu Dec 10 10:23:50 1998
Subject: Great Job
 Folder: /dev/null

This log does not tell me that the message has actually been 
delivered to my(_dot_)mailbox(_at_)provider(_dot_)it (which it correctly did, 
but it's 
not ending up in the log-file).

To quote the procmailrc(5) manpage:

     LOGABSTRACT Just before procmail exits it logs  an  abstract
                 of the delivered message in $LOGFILE showing the
                 `From ' and `Subject:'  fields  of  the  header,
                 what  folder it finally went to and how long (in
                 bytes) the message was.  By setting  this  vari-
                 able  to  `no',  generation  of this abstract is
                 suppressed.  If you set it  to  `all',  procmail
                 will   log  an  abstract  for  every  successful
                 delivering recipe it processes.

Putting LOGABSTRACT=all at the top of the .procmailrc may solve your
problem.  Furthermore, you may want to put LOGABSTRACT=no right before
the 'carbon killing' section, and the LOGABSTRACT=yes right after it.

Philip Guenther

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