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RE: Why

1999-04-13 19:05:13
Works good after deleteing the line.  Using version 3.10, and I will be
upgrading to 3.11pre7 tomorrow.  I'll test out the blank line thing and let
you know!!


-----Original Message-----
From: Stan Ryckman [mailto:stanr(_at_)sunspot(_dot_)tiac(_dot_)net]
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 6:36 PM
To: jkelty(_at_)digital-impact(_dot_)com
Cc: procmail(_at_)informatik(_dot_)rwth-aachen(_dot_)de
Subject: Re: Why

At 03:19 PM 4/13/99 -0700, James Kelty wrote:


! jkelty(_at_)xxxxxxx(_dot_)com

Pretty basic.  I belive I'm just asking it to forward all my mail to the
address listed above (a different one than the one procmail is setup on).
Why would this(below) be happening to me?

procmail: Error while writing to ""

What version of procmail are you running?  I believe that until
the last few versions, comments (including the blank line, which the
unsnipped error message looks like it was interpreting as a folder)
were not allowed between the :0 line and the action.

If it's older than 3.11pre7, then you should upgrade
(current version is 3.13.1).

Meanwhile, how does it work if you delete that blank line?


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