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Re: Assigning variables, $MATCH and LOG

2000-03-15 15:47:12
Martin Mokrejs <mmokrejs(_at_)natur(_dot_)cuni(_dot_)cz> writes:
for some reason I tried to handle some error messages. For testing
purposes I'm forwarding to myself just one of them. My intention is to
extract the e-mail address contained in Subject: line, i.e.
silhand(_at_)feld(_dot_)cvut(_dot_)cz . The message contains in header:
I tried several recipes and I "discovered" that procmail is really lost
if I try to assign variable with:

It needs

Sorry, even worse, it needs:
otherwise it complained in log like:

procmail: Skipped ""David Silhan" <silhand(_at_)feld(_dot_)cvut(_dot_)cz>] 

I think it's because of those spaces.

Let's say this is the proper recipe I wanted, although I have not yet
what I wanted.
* ^Subject:[     ]*BOUNCE.*Non-member.*submission.*from.*\[\/.*
LOG = "Odesilatel1 je $MATCH

Here's your problem: the action of a recipe must be one of the following

a) a mailbox delivery, with optional secondary folders allowed in some
   cases; or
b) a pipe action; or
c) a forwarding ('!' action); or
d) a variable-capture version of either (b) or (c), ala
     VAR=| command-here
e) a nested block ('{')

Variable assignments do not fit any of those.  However, you can use a
nested block that only contains variable assignments to do the same
thing.  So your receipe above should be writted:

        :0 H
        * ^Subject:[     ]*BOUNCE.*Non-member.*submission.*from.*\[\/.*
                ODESILATEL = "$MATCH"
                LOG = "Odesilatel1 je $MATCH

Note that you *don't* want the 'c' flag then, as nested blocks are, by
themselves, never considered to be delivering recipes.

Philip Guenther