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Re: smrsh/.forward

2000-05-02 16:55:53
Michael hall <mhall(_at_)riverside(_dot_)org> writes:
Using the example '.forward' included in the distribution:

"|IFS=' ' && p=/usr/local/bin/procmail && test -f $p && exec $p -Yf- || exit 75

Causes complaints from 'smrsh' about illegal characters ('|','&'). Whats the
best way to get around this or how do others handle this ? Rewrite it and
don't use '&&', '||' ?

If you have smrsh installed and a link to the procmail binary in the
sm.bin directory, then the correct .forward is simply:

        "|procmail -Yf-"

You may usefully use some other set of flags.  smrsh strips whatever
path you use, so don't bother putting one in.  As for the "|| exit 75",
it is useless under many common configurations, and where it does have
an effect it may simply result in mail being stuck in the queue instead
of being _usefully_ bounced back.

PS: I could hack smrsh and edit the characters it disallows but thats kind of
   defeating the security of using it in the first place.

Correct: change that and you might as well switch back to /bin/sh.

Philip Guenther

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