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Off Topic --Re: Qusetion Regarding SmartList

2001-04-25 15:56:32


Why don't you guys do us all a favor and stop sending this off-topic
thread in duplicate.

Also, since we are off-topic, using the 'Reply-To: ' field to 
point back to a mailing list is a an appropriate use of the 'Reply-To: '
field according to the text of RFC822 in regard to the 'Reply-To: ' field
and email 'teleconferencing'. The real evil of doing this (mail loops) is
rarely if ever addressed in these philosophical discussions.

Although I filter into folders my email list emails. I also have a
number of them send copies to my INBOX and I like the 'Subject: '
field labeling because I can sort my mailbox by site as far as what I
need to read at this moment without cycling through various folders to
see if anything of interest came in recently. Some of us like options.

--Paul T.

On Wed, 25 Apr 2001, Andrew Edelstein wrote:

On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 02:51:02PM -0400, Charlie Summers wrote:
   Ignoring what a bad idea I think it is to unnecessarily munge a subject
simply to coddle people who haven't figured out how to read their email
clients' manual enough to learn how to easily filter messages on any of a
boatload of truly unique header fields (insert large inhale here), see:

I've been involved in running a number of lists. Without exception after about
three weeks the cries of "Set 'Reply-To:' to the list address!" starts up from
all the Windows users who haven't learned how to use email correctly. I, and
other admin types, have tried to explain why this, as well as things like
adding stuff to the subject, is a bad idea, but all they know is they just
want to be able to click "reply" (rather than find the "reply to all" or
equivelant button) to send mail back to the list.
Luckily Mutt has this nifty "ignore Reply-To:" feature that can be used when
you know a given list is just going to trash it anyway.

Andrew Edelstein    

John Bender: What do you guys do in your club?
Brian Johnson: In physics we...uh...we talk about physics, properties of
John Bender: So it's sorta social, demented and sad, but social. Right?
                              The Breakfast Club
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