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Re: wrong return-path in mails redistributed from procmail

2001-08-01 09:32:39
* Andreas Deininger <deining(_at_)wiz(_dot_)uni-kassel(_dot_)de> [010801 09:08]:

I'm using fetchmail to get my mail from our Mailserver to the local
machine I'm working on. I'm using procmail als MDA on this local machine,
and I defined some filtering rules to get some mails redistributed to
other people. This works fine, but the redistributed mails have the
Return-Path: username(_at_)my(_dot_)local(_dot_)machine, which is actually 
not the correct
address, so replying to these messages might lead to undeliverable mails.
(See the mail below as an example!) How can I correct this?
My idea was to instruct procmail to use some other mailer which can be
configured, but I don't know how to do this. Maybe there's an even easier

Thanks for any hint!

This is just a guess; I don't know anything about the Return-Path
header or how it is generated.  Use formail to override it in your
.procmailrc file.

* ^Return-Path:
| formail -I "Return-Path: new(_at_)address"

- Matt Dunford <> zoot(_at_)zotikos(_dot_)com ..
-. -- o,;-
Professor: Doomsday device? Ah, now the ball's in Farnsworth's 
court. I suppose I could part with one and still be feared.
  -- Futurama
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