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Re: Failed recipe

2001-08-01 14:24:32
On  1 Aug, Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:
|     I have the following recipe setup on all my systems (the same recipe
| has been posted a few times over the past few weeks on this list):
| SUBJECT=`formail -xSubject: \
|         | sed -e 's/[;\`\\]/ /g' \
|         | expand | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//g' -e 's/[ ]*$//g'`
| [...]
| :0 B:
| * $ ^Content-Type: application/mixed; name=.*"$SUBJECT".*
| [...]
|     ...and for a while there it worked fine, then this morning I found
| two emails in my inbox (and other users) with the SirCam virus in them.
| Why did it fail?
|     Here's one of the messages:
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| [...]
| Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?en=5Fsysmanager=5B1=5D?=
| [...]
| ------4CD47F35_Outlook_Express_message_boundary
| X-Mozilla-IMAP-Part: 2
| Content-Type: application/mixed; name=en_sysmanager[1]
| [...]

Well, the recipe is extracting the Subject and assigning it to a
variable named $SUBJECT. For this message, $SUBJECT is assigned the
string "=?ISO-8859-1?Q?en=5Fsysmanager=5B1=5D?=". Then it's searching
the body for a Content-Type: application/mixed; line that includes
name=$SUBJECT (which procmail expands to the string above) and it's not
there. Looks like you've been bit by The Subject: haviung been encoded
(I guess because of different characters in the sender's native
language) so that it doesn't match the attachment name when it gets to
|     The interesting thing is, eventhough it lists in my INBOX as a 1Mb
| file, what you see above is all there is to it.  I'm baffled.

No clue there.

Don Hammond        \ /     ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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