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Re: Mailbox limit

2001-08-04 07:32:14
On  3 Aug, Andrew Edelstein wrote:
| On Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 10:13:29AM -0400, Don Hammond wrote:
| > A couple things. 10240 is not 10Mb. You probably mean something more
| > like 10485760.[1]  Also BOXSIZE=`ls -l $DEFAULT |awk '{print $5}'` 
| > might be a reasonable simplification.  You can also use scoring to do
| Actually, in a procmailrc, the while loop is probably more efficient.
| Launching awk would require another process. The while loop would do the same
| thing within the existing shell process.

Point well taken. In my defense, note the words "might" and
"simplification". It's a subtle difference, and not explained, but
simplification was not intended as synonymous with efficient. It's
personal taste, but sometimes I'll choose clarity (for me) over slightly
less efficient. For me it is still a reasonable simplification, and for
others it *might* be, though the point on efficiency is absolutely
correct. And, of course, this is mostly moot as Mr. Tamkin produced yet
again both the most efficient and the most clear solution.

Don Hammond        \ /     ASCII Ribbon Campaign
Raleigh, NC US      X        Against HTML Mail,
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