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Re: quota+procmail problem in FreeBSD 4.3

2001-08-09 12:41:25
Evren Yurtesen <yurtesen(_at_)ispro(_dot_)net(_dot_)tr> writes:
hey I have a little problem because procmail continues to deliver to my
users even though they are overquota! I have compiled the procmail to
deliver to home directory of the user. I tried the quota system by su
username and tried to create a file but it didnt succeed which ment to me
that quota system is working fine.

File or disk-block quota?  If you can't create a zero-length file then
the user has reached his or her file (inode) quota.  Procmail will bounce
the message when the write() system call fails, so it's more concerned
with the disk-block quota.

Also, do you have anything in the /etc/procmailrc file that performs
delivery, or are you letting the implicit delivery to $DEFAULT handle

Philip Guenther
Procmail Maintainer
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