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Re: stripping headers

2001-08-22 12:25:07
On Wed 2001/08/22 12:41:16 EDT, Tim Holmes <tim(_at_)unixtechs(_dot_)org> 
Isn't this something that your mail reader should handle?  What mail
reader are you using?

Nope.  On my personal account I'm stuck using an older version of mh (nmh 
is _much_ better) plus the admin that installed it set it up so it only 
really fully works for people on-site (or others running X).  I've managed 
to set the .mh_profile up to bypass most of it, but I get a "could not 
decode" error message if the Content-Type = text/plain and the 
Content-Transfer-Encoding = binary (everything works fine if I manually 
remove the Content-Transfer-Encoding).

| Anybody have an efficient and simple way of doing the following?
| I want to remove the Content-Transfer-Encoding header
| if Content-Type = text/plain and Content-Transfer-Encoding = binary.

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