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Re: Web interface for procmail?

2001-11-13 11:18:34
The University of Vermont uses an apache module which
grants the CGI process a kerberos ticket for the user once
authenticated. With the kerberos credentials, the CGI has
permission to read/write/create just as the user does.


On Tue, 13 Nov 2001, jennyw wrote:

Sounds great, James. How did you addreses the access issue, with regard to
security?  The only thing I could think of was to create a file that was in
the script's group in each users directory and let the script edit that.


----- Original Message -----
From: "James E. Flemer" <jflemer(_at_)acm(_dot_)jhu(_dot_)edu>
To: <procmail(_at_)Lists(_dot_)RWTH-Aachen(_dot_)DE>
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: Web interface for procmail?

The code I mentioned is now available. Take a look at:

I will try to get some screenshots of it and add them to
the site soon.

On Mon, 5 Nov 2001, James E. Flemer wrote:

I wrote some perl scripts that do this on a very basic
level. It gives users some general rules to choose from,
and constructs RC files. It works with any existing rc
file... rules it does not understand are considered
"Custom". The issue with my scripts is that they require
some underlying (apache) authentication that allows the CGI
to read/write the $HOME/.procmailrc.

However, I wrote the scripts under contract so they are not
publicly available (yet). I believe that they will be
released with some opensource lisence in the near future.
Once they are I will post an announcement to this list.

For more info email me off-list.

On Fri, 2 Nov 2001, jennyw wrote:

Is there such a beast? I'm just trying to come up with an easy way for
users to be able to config their own filters. We're using UW IMAP and
sendmail. For server-side filtering, procmail seems to be a good bet,
that not all users will be particularly technical.



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