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Re: Need help to filter bounces...

2001-11-13 18:39:30
Thanks Sean, Don, and David.

My apologies for appending such a long message to the list; I 
was thinking I needed to attach the email and didn't honestly
look at content nor that it was 179 lines! It was an honest
mistake, that I will try to avoid in the future.

I appreciate Sean's assistance, in helping me "learn" to debug
the actual problem.
On Tue, Nov 13, 2001 at 10:53:59AM -0800, Professional Software Engineering 
FIRST, you should really consider just temporarily setting VERBOSE=ON, pipe 
one of these messages into sendmail, and check the log results.  You'd 
become enlightened in no time.  I make this suggestion nearly every time 
someone posts about a rule which doesn't seem to work the way they thought 
it would, BECAUSE it's such an effective diagnostic tool.  See the URL in 
my .sig

The discussion of the solution, has also showed me how to do body
vs heading searching; I guess I actually have not had this need
to often.

Q: why the trailing space on the rewritten subject?

Probably because I copied the "idea" from another recipie where
I prepend something in front of the existing subject via $MATCH;
and just removed the $MATCH since  the subject doesn't matter.

Thanks for being kind in how you responded; I admit to being
error in making a bad post. I will be sure to review my postings
more closely before pressing "send".

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