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Re: Kind of functions in procmail

2001-11-20 07:29:58

"Sean" == Professional Software Engineering 
<PSE-L(_at_)mail(_dot_)professional(_dot_)org> writes:

    Sean> You should try giving an example - even if not working - as to what
    Sean> you expect the resulting script might look like.  It clarifies what
    Sean> you're trying to accomplish while at the same time engaging you in
    Sean> the process of learning how you might split the rules into parts --
    Sean> I suspect you knew most of what you were trying to accomplish, but
    Sean> just didn't know the flags (which are all found in 'man procmailrc'.

    Yes I must admit my message was not clear enough ... What I wanted to
    replace was these too many 
        SPAMREASON="misc rule 1 match ${MATCH}"
        :0 fwh
    after my filtering rules by a kind of procmail function. I've 10 rules
    that help me remove spams and if the conditions are slightly differents
    all the 10 have the same action part (see above), what I wanted to do is
    to define a kind of function/macro that I'll use in the action part of my
    10 rules. I know the meaning of E and A flags and I know, Paul, the
    testing mechanism on variables but I wanted to keep the efficiency of the
    my current config (the final delivery asap), that's why a function or
    macro would have meet my need perfectly...
    You can check my .procmailrc temporary visible at (any suggestions to
    improve it are greatly welcome too, I'm pretty new at using procmail for
    this purpose - SPAM filtering - and need some more learning)
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