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Re: Formail issue with weird headers

2001-11-25 10:36:51
cat(_at_)zip(_dot_)com(_dot_)au followed up,

| No.  It's in the header section. Just below the real From_ line just as
| shown above.  I need it gone because it's causing sendmail to barf all
| these messages when I bounce them to an alternate address.  There's only
| ever one and it's always in that position.

Formail treats it as an extension of the From_ line; if you run
   formail -X 'From '
on such a message, it will output both the From_ and >From_ lines.

| I'd use sed as you suggest but I don't want to touch any occurrences in
| the body of the message.

As Don has already said, use an `h' flag on the filtering recipe.  Please
read this in a fixed-width font (there is a space between the parentheses):

 * ^>From( )
 | sed 's/^>From /X-Escaped-From_: /'

for example.

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