LOGNAME = $1 FOLDER = $2 PATH="$1/bin:/usr/local/cyrus/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/include:/usr/local/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:." SHELL=/bin/sh MAILDIR=/usr/local/cyrus LOGFILE=/var/log/procmail_log DEFAULT=$HOME/ VERBOSE=yes LOGABSTRACT=all WHITE=NO # Give users a chance to whitelist or blacklist a message by including # ~/.proc_precheck INCLUDERC=/home/$1/.proc_precheck # Place any antispam or other universal filters here. Don't # write to files or pipe to programs unless you are ABSOLUTELY # SURE you know what you are doing! :0 * FOLDER ?? !trash * WHITE ?? !yes { INCLUDERC=/etc/myspamkillrc } # this enables automated procmail recipe creation for users; If they have # blacklisted or whitelisted a message, they must decide to reprocess or skip # it on their own INCLUDERC=/home/$1/.procmailrc :0 * FOLDER ?? !trash * FOLDER ?? !spam { :0 fhw * ! ^Lines: * B ?? 1^1 ^.*$ * B ?? -1^0 ($)($)^^ | formail -f -A "Lines: $=" } :0 w * FOLDER ?? . | deliver -q -m "$FOLDER" -- "$LOGNAME" # Only if there was no extension do we try this :0 wE | deliver -q -- "$LOGNAME" # Whichever one we tried, failed EXITCODE = $? HOST