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Re: persistent lock files that never go away

2004-07-22 14:46:14
On Wed, Jul 21, 2004 at 07:39:03PM -0600, Justin Gombos wrote:
I've been having a strange problem where a lock file would be created,
and never destroyed.  This has been a very difficult problem to track
down.  My collection of recipes is quite large, but the lock files
that persist are all on the same recipe.  It looks long, but it's just
many large variables and one recipe:

So far I don't see exactly what would cause your problem.  I do see
some other things, though.  Moreover, since in a follow-up mesasge
you mention a LINEBUF overrun, I'm wondering if that's either the
problem, or contributing to the problem, here.  You have a lot of
very long, not-necessarily-efficiently-constructed regexes.

  YEAR=`formail -x "Date: " | sed -e 's/.* \([12]\{,1\}[90]\{,1\}[0-9][0-9]\) 
.*/\1/' \
                                  -e 's/^[^0][0-9]$/19&/g' \
                                  -e 's/^[0][0-9]$/20&/g'`

I don't even know what you are trying to do there.  But it doesn't work,
at least on my system:

  sed: 1: "s/.* \([12]\{,1\}[90]\{ ...": RE error: invalid repetition count(s)

Whatever you are trying to parse, though, you surely wouldn't need
formail pipled through such a hairy sed thing to come up with some
some component of the year.  Maybe you will enlighten us.


Does anyone see why a lock file would be created indefinately?  

No, but is $YEAR is a directory?  If so, then you don't want a
lockfile on the recipe.


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