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filtering just some accounts

2004-11-16 08:14:13
I have set up SpamAssassin along with procmail. Because of the way students read there email, through a web based mail reader which can't filter email, I want to filter out the spam for them. I have tried 2 ways to do this but without success.

I set up a list of all students and then set up a rule to look through that list and if they were on it filter out any spam. Here are 2 rules I tried that didn't work.

Try number 1:
* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes
* ? fgrep -iqf /etc/students

Try number 2:
* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes
* ? (formail -x To: | fgrep -iqf /etc/students)

All I ended up doing was filtering all spam from all accounts which I didn't want to do. So how can I filter some accounts but not others?

Also, I was getting a "list to long" error message. Apparently there is a limit on how many entries can be in a list, can you tell me what it is?

Paul Crittenden
Computer System Manager
Simpson College
email: crittend(_at_)simpson(_dot_)edu
Phone: (515)961-1680

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