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Re: Stoping Kornet und ADSL $USER sending me messages directly

2004-11-24 16:39:01
On Wed, Nov 24, 2004 at 05:08:03PM +0100, Michelle Konzack wrote:
Hello all, 

first off all: since 3 weeke I get every day between 500 and 7000 SPAMs
from Kornet (Korean Telecom). Now I block all which send me E-Mails
directly to my Account with:

  ____( '/home/michelle/.procmail/FLT_kornet' )_________________________
| ####################################################################
| # 
| # FLT_kornet
| # 
| ####################################################################
| LOG="FLT_kornet     : pass
| "
| :0 H
| * ^Received: from.*\[.*\](.*$)+Received:.*\[222+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+
| ATTENTION/Blocked_Kornet/

and it works perfectly ;-)

1.  How did come with 222.*.*.* IP ranges?  I can pick out the entire
    APNIC range (which are 60-61. 202-203. 210-211. 218-222.), but I
    can't figure out how to pick out an individual country or ISP.

2.  For emails from APNIC countries, I use
        * charset="(ks_c_5601-1987|euc-kr|big5|gb2312|iso-2022-jp|shift-jis)"
        * ^(Subject|From): 

William Park <opengeometry(_at_)yahoo(_dot_)ca>
Linux solution for data management and processing. 

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