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Re: macro expansion syntax

2004-01-11 07:21:12
I agree with your points totally, so I guess what we need is toold, tools, 
plugins, upgrades to MTAa, mail clients, etc.  Suport from big organizations, 
many domain registrars, etc, hosting control panel programmers, etc.

Terence Way <terry-spf(_at_)wayforward(_dot_)net> wrote:
About the http://domain.com/antispoof.rules: four points that come to mind:

1. You don't have to have a web server to get mail. You *DO* have to
have a DNS entry.

2. The simplest HTTP request requires a DNS lookup, and at least a
three-way TCP handshake to start a connection, and a 4-way to close. A
DNS SPF request optimally requires only a single UDP request and a single
UDP response.

3. DNS caching is nearly everywhere. HTTP caching isn't.

4. (To summarize #2 and #3) A single SPAM campaign of 100,000 emails
would completely hose a web server, while a DNS server would be fine.



What about alternate methods for displaying such
information such as a simple text file stored in the
home page of the domain.


and on each line we just have

range-of-allowed-ids range-of-allowed-hosts

range-of-allowed-ids will consist of a comma separated
list of regular expressions. range-of-allowed-hosts
will consist of a comma separated list of ip ranges or
host names specified by regular expression.

This way people wil not have to change their DNS and
it can be a backup option for those who do not have
SPF support in their DNS software and lack the ability
or wilingness to modify zone files directly.

The idea is that the SPF complaint mail reader also
optionaly looks for the antispoof.rules file in the
absence of relevant SPF DNS records.

What's your opinion about this? Simplicity sometimes
means everything...

Seun Osewa

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