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Re: SPF @ AOL --- record may flicker

2004-01-12 10:26:32
On Mon, Jan 12, 2004 at 12:17:53PM -0500, spf(_at_)ginch(_dot_)org wrote:
| >
| > As anticipated, the record is back....
| With a slightly different piece of content, it looks like.  ?all versus
| -all

Good.  That'll give acm.org, ieee.org, pobox.com, alumniconnections, etc
forwarding companies some time to implement sender rewriting.

And it'll give the opensource community some time to produce SRS patches
for MTAs.  I don't expect MTA maintainers to accept those patches for
ideological reasons (SMTP isn't broken!  Yes it is!  No it isn't!) so
we'll have to make sure the patches are widely available and easily
installed.  We can also appeal to package maintainers are more likely to
do what the market wants.

When a reasonable majority of affected forwarders has some workaround in
place, we can tell AOL "okay, we're ready to switch to -all now".

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