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Re: too many sendmail processes ?

2004-01-15 11:28:22
Justin Mason wrote:

5) /etc/aliases contains

  addr: "|/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi newaddress(_at_)example(_dot_)com"

to send the msg with a new envelope-from; bounces will go back to the

Richard Kay <rich(_at_)copsewood(_dot_)net> wrote:
If your system gets
very busy, and has a cap on the number of simultaneous
sendmail processes allowed, then if the new sendmail process
being started here takes your system over this cap the attempted
redirect will fail, and the message will bounce.

Good point. It may have less of an overall impact on the system's performance if you use the "owner-" method where feasible.

 myalias: newaddress(_at_)example(_dot_)com
 owner-myalias: postmaster(_at_)myself(_dot_)com

In this example- Sendmail notices the "owner-" alias, and when sending to "myalias" will rewrite the sender address so that bounces go to postmaster(_at_)myself(_dot_)com

Greg Connor <gconnor(_at_)nekodojo(_dot_)org>

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