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Re: Qmail integer overflow in 1.03/1.04 - PATCH RELEASED

2004-01-15 20:28:30
Le 04-01-15, à 22:23, <guillaume(_at_)filion(_dot_)org> a écrit :
The patch looks bogus to me:
*** 317,322 ****
          if (pos < 2) if (ch != "\r\n"[pos]) flagmaybey = 0;
          if (flagmaybey) if (pos == 1) flaginheader = 0;
-       ++pos;
if (ch == '\n') { pos = 0; flagmaybex = flagmaybey = flagmaybez = 1; }
--- 317,322 ----
          if (pos < 2) if (ch != "\r\n"[pos]) flagmaybey = 0;
          if (flagmaybey) if (pos == 1) flaginheader = 0;
+       ++pos;
if (ch == '\n') { pos = 0; flagmaybex = flagmaybey = flagmaybez = 1; }

Oh no, I get it, the curly brace is not at the same place.... must go to sleep. 8)

Sorry for this,
Guillaume Filion, ing. jr
Logidac Tech., Beaumont, Québec, Canada - http://logidac.com/
PGP Key and more: http://guillaume.filion.org/

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