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Re: considering XML

2004-01-21 13:27:12
On Wed, 2004-01-21 at 12:15, Carsten Kuckuk wrote:
+ It's Buzzword compatible
+ Management likes XML

You play buzzword bingo to?!

- Uses up at least tripple the space
- Parsing the string becomes way more complicated as you need to be
able to deal with full XML (DTDs, character encodings in UCS, UTF8 or
ASCII, need to ignore superfluous elements, etc.)
- Need to include big XML parser libs (injects more errors)
- Blows up DNS caches on the way
- Next change request will be to use SOAP instead of DNS...

Aye to all of the above.

I guess it depends on how significant the stakeholder is.

Not to disrespect said "significant stakeholder", but how significant
can they possibly be to be suggesting such an asinine thing as using
XML?  I strongly believe this idea is as ludicrous (Laughable or
hilarious because of obvious absurdity or incongruity. See Synonyms such
as foolish.) as it sounds.


James Couzens,


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