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Re: The case for XML

2004-01-22 02:11:07
On Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 03:33:25PM -0800, Mark Lentczner wrote:

| No one need do this: If you are writing in C or C++, James Clark's 
| eXpat parser is mature, widely used and tested.  It is open source with 
| a liberal BSD style license ("do want you want with it, commercial or 
| otherwise").  It is only three .c files, and adds less than 150k when 
| compiled (this number for PPC).

And it frequently bitches about perfectly valid XML, and refuses to
work when that happens.  Things break and my web site gets messed up.
I've had to pre-filter the incoming XML before it gets to EXPAT to
make it work.  The other parser for C has such an obtrusive API it's
entirely not even usable.  Both seem to be incomplete implementations.

| If you are writing in almost any other language, including Java, Perl, 
| Python, PHP, Ruby, Smalltalk, and Javascript, numerous free XML tools 
| are available and probably already in your distribution.

I suspect the Java tools are the ones that are more mature.

| Phil Howard KA9WGN       | http://linuxhomepage.com/      http://ham.org/ |
| (first name) at ipal.net | http://phil.ipal.org/   http://ka9wgn.ham.org/ |

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