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RE: Some thoughts on the XML thread...

2004-01-23 05:11:45
Let's step back and look at what happened:
- After the last Slashdot post, SPF records were created for thousands
of domains. In other words: The need for SPF is so great that people
started adoption even before SPF became an official standard. SPF is
being adopted.
- A Mystery Stakeholder (MS) has put an XML in DNS proposal on the
table, which is incompatible with the already adopted SPF records, and
whose acceptance would turn the early adoption of SPF into a fiasko
- The SPF community stopped everything else and talked about MS's
embrace and extend proposal for three full days
- At least 99% of the reactions on the list are against MS's proposal
on technical and security merrits
- The MS proposal has split the heads of SPF from the community

To me it looks like this has paralyzed SPF and if it gets incorporated
into "SPF 1.0" will be a slap in the face of early adoptors and has
the potential to kill SPF.

I'd suggest declaring SPF 1.0 final, and start immediately with SPF2.0
where XML in DNS could be discussed. In this way, you wouldn't risk
losing what you already achieved, and the world would get a workable,
though not optimal solution that is available right now, and not in a
year or two.

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