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Re: Using headers instead of SRS

2004-01-25 03:34:19
--Wechsler <wechsler(_at_)phase(_dot_)org> wrote:

Greg Connor wrote:

Question 1.
Is there a required correlation between MAIL FROM and the header fields?

No. Just compare Sender (or however your mailer provides MAIL FROM) and
From in this message.

I think you misunderstood my question. I meant to ask "Does the MAIL FROM (and by that I mean envelope sender) necessarily have to match any of the headers?" Not "Do these two headers have to match each other?"

I think I did not do a good job of explaining what I mean. I would think the meaning of "MAIL FROM" would be understood and not be confused with From: or any header. But, if you didn't understand the point of my message, that perhaps the envelope sender *should* have some correlation to at least one header, then the possibility is strong that I didn't communicate well in the first place. Hmm...

Greg Connor <gconnor(_at_)nekodojo(_dot_)org>

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