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Re: Re: SPF in MTAs

2004-01-25 15:06:44
On 01/25/2004 at 12:59 it was written:

Let's set a goal of getting SPF bundled into either the standard
distribution or a major distribution package of at least one of the
major four MTAs by the end of January.

Does anyone knoe anything about non-Unix MTAs?  Does MS Exchange have a 
way to implement an SPF plug-in?

We are looking very closely at implementing an SPF plugin for EIMS (known as a 
filter, technically). EIMS is available on MacOS 9/X and is very popular in the 
Mac community.

It does not look as though it will be very difficult for us to make this happen.


Steven G. Willis     sgwillis(_at_)deepskytech(_dot_)com       772.794.9494
Deep Sky Technologies, Inc.          http://www.deepskytech.com/
http://www.badchickens.com/         http://www.store-secure.com/
AIM-iChat: dstisgwillis
A: Yes.
Q: Are you sure?
A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

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