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Re: Frozen, or just a bit slushy?

2004-01-28 05:47:33
wayne wrote:

If I recall correctly, you have written an implementation in PHP.  I
confess that I don't know PHP well enough, but would it be possible to
create a command line program that does the checking?  If so, would
you be willing to run the regression tests on your implementation?

I have a script that parses the test.txt supplied with M:S:Q and runs against it. Note that my SPF-checker is not intended to produce pure Received-SPF: headers and as such only the 'result' should be considered.

Last time I ran it (on an older test.txt) it looked like:

There are three "discrepancies" with the official results, but no-one could explain the reasons for the official results when I last raised them.

When I try and run it on the test.txt from M:S:Q 1.99 it copes with pretty much everything it can parse.

However much of the latter part of that file is now not in the documented format and as such I can't test against it.

If someone gives me a canonical test file in
<test-number> <sender> <client-ip> <result>
format I will happily re-run the tests.

The PHP SPF-engine can currently only run on my server, as it requires a custom patch to PHP to allow the reading of TXT files.

When PHP5 comes out as a full release I can remove that requirement.


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