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Re: Is Return-Path as available as we think?

2004-01-28 17:33:07
Justin Mason wrote:

This would allow filters like SpamAssassin to pick up the envelope-from
used at each step of the chain, which is very valuable especially when
intermediate steps tend to rewrite it.  (For example, fetchmail makes some
incorrect assumptions, and will add an *incorrect* Return-Path header if
an X-Envelope-From header exists, even from an earlier handover.)

Key phrase: "the envelope-from used at each step of the chain".
I'm sorry, I was in a hurry I didn't read your entire text. I looked at the wiki and I saw you describe the Return-Path header as 'Traditional', in close proximity to the non-standard X-Envelope-From. There's nothing traditional about it. It's an implemented standard.

Just two things:

A. If SPF is not used, what would prevent the would be spammer from forging these headers?
B. If SPF is used, why does SpamAssasain care about this header?

-- Arik

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