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2004-01-29 01:43:11

I have read some of the discussion og whether or not to use _spf as a
namsepace in DNS.

It seems that using a namespace would make it easier to get SPF
approved as an RFC, and in most ways it is a cleaner implementation
seen from a DNS point of view.

The arguments against using _spf (or something like that) seem to be

1) Some administrators will have a hard time understanding that _ is legal.

   On the other hand we face the obstacle of telling the experienced
   DNS administrators, possibly administrating thousands of domains,
   that we do not want a namespace for SPF because some inexperienced
   users don't know how to read a howto. Never mind that they might
   have other uses for their TXT records.

2) Some automatic DNS hosting companies do not support _ in labels.

   Well, if we are talking about systems for inexperienced users, they
   will probably have problems with the SPF specifications as well. It
   is probably more likely that these services will offer a "SPF only
   from my IP" setup.

3) Not all DNS servers support _

   Well, we could probbaly find someone not supporting TXT as well.

I still see more queries for x.x.x.x.in-addr._smtp_client.domain that
for domain TXT records. As more and more implementions become
available it will be harder to switch to a namespace.

I would suggest that the draft is changed to incorporate a namespace
as soon as possible.

Gustav Foseid, Initio IT-løsninger AS

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