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Re: Compliance

2004-01-29 21:53:17
On Thu, 2004-01-29 at 19:39, Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:
I think we should have a compliance program and a seal for programs that
meet it.

Today I have received 300 virus attacks and 75 reports from broken
anti-virus software that thinks it should spam me whenever a virus joe jobs
my email address.

There should be a standard for anti-virus software that it never makes these
reports, almost none of the viruses that propagate now use a legit sender

If we can't get that we could get a standard that anti-virus software check
SPF records before they spam the victim of a joe job. I don't want to be

I dunno about you, but when a car ends up in the ditch I tend to point
the finger at the driver of the vehicle.... how about some set standards
that prevent individuals incapable of properly configuring and
maintaining their presence on the iNtArWeb.



James Couzens,

Current projects:

Sender Permitted From: http://spf.pobox.com/
Archives at http://archives.listbox.com/spf-discuss/current/
Latest draft at http://spf.pobox.com/draft-mengwong-spf-02.9.5.txt
Wiki: http://spfwiki.infinitepenguins.net/pmwiki.php/SenderPermittedFrom/
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