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Re: Explain please

2005-07-08 06:13:21
On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 07:19:52AM -0500, wayne wrote:
 David Woodhouse <dwmw2(_at_)infradead(_dot_)org> writes:

But nobody volunteered any reasons why, in the _absence_ of SPF (which
we know has technical problems with forwarding) there is any other
reason to consider it to be a bad thing. I'd heard nobody say that
forwarding was wrong, or 'forgery', before SPF was invented. What,
_other_ than the technical problems of SPF, has changed?

I think, if you dig around in the archive, you will quickly find
people who have said that forwarding w/o rewriting is wrong and
forgery.  I have seen many people saying something along the lines of
"the problem with stopping forgery is that you have to stop *all*

You're feeding the troll.  It knows perfectly well that this nobody
gave examples where forwarders introduce problems with or without SPF.


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