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Re: Re: The IANA has assigned us DNS number 99 for SPF

2005-07-12 08:58:12
johnp schreef:

I'll go for that solution if Arjen would like to expalin in detail how
to apply the files.  I have never "patched" anything before.

That depends on the kind of system you're using. If you use an RPM based
distribution on i586 architecture, chances are that the RPM binaries (or
the sources) that are available from


are fine. Binaries (if you happen to run SuSE 9.1 or later) or sources
(will probably compile on RedHat for example) are available from the
i586/ and src/ directories respectively.

Otherwise you should check how the binaries where build for your system.
  Putting the attached 'spf_99.[ch]' files in the right locations and
patching the 'rdata-test.c' file will be enough. The build in configure
script will pick up the additional files automagically.

Given the importance of having a nameserver running I would suggest to
try out this procedure on a test machine first if this is the first time
you're compiling anything from sources.
