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Re: Thanks for all the feedback on the SPF validator

2005-07-20 00:06:51
This might not be a real bug, but something for you to consider, even though I know you have discussed this aspect at some length.

If I enter an incorrect domain name the validator accepts it as long as there is a "." in it - even if the domain name does not actually exist in the public domain. As I understand it this is to allow for certain edge cases, but would it not be possible to flag a warning if the domain name is not in the public domain, so that mistyped records are caught? I am thinking of the the more basic user here. If the domain name mentioned in the record does not have an A or MX record it would IMHO be suspect to an average spf publisher.

Just a thought.......

And a big thank you for the validator - it's probably the most useful practical step forward SPF has made in the last year.



Scott Kitterman wrote:

I've fixed all the bugs that people reported to me with the exception of
dealing with Macros for the manually entered records.  I've noted that as a
limitation for now.

I'm going to continue to make sure it conforms to Wayne's draft as closely
as I can.

Please go try and break it again.  If no one comes up with anything
significant, I'll mention it on spf-help and see if they can break it.


Scott K

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